Bob Bernard Field
Thomas' Driver.
Age (in 1955): 50.
pronouns: He/They/She
Sexuality: Gay
Close Friend: Charlie
Partner: Tony
Appearance description
Bob has dark brown hair, a mushtashe and brown eyes, with slightly tanned pale skin, his hair is parted in the middle and brushed with gell. And a small scare under his left cheek.
His uniform has a few scrashes and patches, and a few areas that have clearly been sewn up. It's usually at least slightly sooty, if not covered in dirt.
His regular go to is fairly basic button up blue bowling shirt, and trousers that are usally slightly muddy. He wears his work boots everyday because they're, quote, "comforble, and why would I break in another pair of boots if these are fine?" He also usually sports a dark blue flat cap.
Bob’s from Bridgnorth, mainland, He was brought up next to the railway line, the railway was a large part of their life. He started his job as a cleaner at 15 (lying about their age by a year) around the same time as a man named Joseph, and the two quickly became close friends.
A few years later, Bob’s parents found out about his sexuality (due to being ratted out by a cousin, who found him with his boyfriend at the time), and one day after work he turned up to his stuff spread out over the front garden. He turned to Joseph in a panic, who’s parents felt sympathy, and let her live with them, until Joseph and Bob moved out at 20 and 19.
Bob got promoted to Fireman around this time, and Joseph landed the job as a Stationmaster (to both their surprise). Bob got hired to work on the Arlesdale railway as a Fireman, and a few years later, due to some mishaps by the tank engines previous crew, Bob got transferred to their sister railway, the NWR to work with Thomas
Quick Facts!
- Bob calls everyone 'Pet', (Except Tony, who he calls 'Doll') "Alright there Pet? Everything okay?" -Bob
- They loves to garden! Tending to plants is his favourite thing to do. Sometimes he'll play them a song on his harmonica.
She loves the night sky. Always makes sure to do some star gazing with a cup of tea on his apartment balcony before bed.